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As Dalyan Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, we see that more and more patients are doing research on dental implants to replace their missing teeth, and we wanted to make a statement about one of the most frequently asked questions, whether anyone can have a dental implant.

In general, any adult who has lost a tooth can be considered a possible candidate for a dental implant, but whether this is a viable option depends on a number of factors.

Dental implants are not for everyone, so we ask patients to attend an initial consultation so their case can be evaluated and we can make a decision. A thorough examination, review of medical history, and x-rays are required to check suitability. It also gives patients a chance to voice their concerns and answer any questions before deciding whether to continue. We take candidate eligibility very seriously, because implants can make all the difference in success.

Oral surgery is required for the placement of dental implants, and as with all types of surgery, there are also those who are not suitable for surgery. To be considered suitable for dental implants, a patient must have:

Sufficient Jaw Bone

Because a dental implant must fuse with the bone in the jaw, it is essential to have a healthy bone source in that area. Failure to bond with the jaw in a process known as osseointegration is one of the main causes of implant failure. If a patient does not have enough bone, it may be possible to perform a bone graft before surgery. If you have lost a tooth, it should be started as soon as possible, as the jawbone gradually begins to deteriorate after tooth loss.

Good General Health

Being healthy allows your surgeon to overcome the complications or risks associated with implant surgery as well as treatment. If you have a chronic illness such as diabetes or leukemia and have had radiation therapy to the jaw or neck area, you may not be eligible. Since smoking is known to affect the healing process, smokers may also be asked to stop smoking a few weeks before surgery and during the recovery period.

Although dental implants are like ordinary teeth, they are much more special and successful than later applications such as bridges and prostheses. After the implant is made, it can be used for a lifetime if well cared for. However, the important point here is that you should brush your implants like your own teeth. Implant treatment is currently one of the last points that can be reached in dentistry. Naturally, the more successful you can do this process, the better it will be for you.

You should not forget that you will not have a second option after your teeth are implanted. Leaving behind the mistakes you have made in the past will ensure that your other teeth remain healthy.

If you want to learn more about dental implants and find out if they are suitable for you, you can contact us at our phone numbers on our site and make an appointment for your treatment.

Implant treatment has always been the right choice, but the most important point to consider is choosing the right center.

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