Today, thanks to the contributions of scientific/technological progress to the science of dentistry, it is primarily aimed to treat the tooth and keep it in the mouth. However, sometimes tooth extraction is used to protect patient health or to plan treatment. We can list these situations as follows:
• Teeth that cannot be saved by treatment due to advanced decay and material loss,
• Teeth that are broken as a result of impact, in a way that cannot be treated,
• Abscessed teeth that cannot be saved despite root canal treatment,
• Shaking teeth due to advanced gingivitis,
• Milk teeth that do not fall out on time,
• Teeth that cause problems due to excessive position change (rotation, overturning, etc.),
• Teeth in a cyst or tumor,
• Not fully erupted (impacted) and problematic teeth…
In addition, in order to assist orthodontic treatment, some teeth may be extracted even though they are uneventful due to the lack of space.
Tooth extraction-force relationship
Of course, a force is applied during shooting. However, since the extraction tools are already designed to double the force applied by the physician, excessive force can even have negative consequences. Therefore, tooth extraction is rather an attempt that requires technical knowledge and skill. It should be noted that many maxillofacial surgeons are female.
Ways to overcome the fear of tooth extraction
In special cases where it is understood that the fear of tooth extraction cannot be eliminated in any way, extraction can be performed under general anesthesia. However, mostly the dialogue and approach between the patient and the physician shows that such an attempt is not necessary. First of all, it should be remembered that it is necessary to get rid of it, taking into account the damage and pain caused by the tooth that needs to be extracted. After a good fit is achieved, during extraction, only a feeling of pressure and small crackles can be heard when the tooth rises. There should be no pain or suffering. Generally, people like to scare those around them and they exaggerate this pressure and crackling. Such false suggestions should not be influenced by them, and all questions should be directed to the physician.
Things to do before tooth extraction
• Especially in molars, that is, in multi-rooted teeth, when the roots are very split or curved,
• In elderly people where the bone has lost its elasticity,
• In people who have very thick jawbones that do not stretch,
• Teeth that have reduced grip and become brittle due to excessive loss of material may break during extraction.
This is not something to be afraid of. If anesthesia, that is, numbness, has been achieved successfully, the dentist removes the remaining pieces painlessly with instruments produced for this purpose.
Things to consider after tooth extraction
• The tampon placed on the extraction wound should be kept for half an hour.
• After this buffer is thrown away, buffer should not be put back if it is not needed, care should be taken not to spoil the clot formed.
• Mouth should not be rinsed with water.
• After the shooting, nothing should be eaten for two hours, after this period, warm things should be preferred, and very hot or cold foods should be avoided.
• No smoking for 24 hours. Smoking can cause the clot to break down and the wound to become inflamed. This condition, called ‘dry socket’, causes pain for a long time.
• Alcohol should not be consumed for 24 hours.
• The extraction site should not be touched in any way, the wound area should not be sucked or spit out.
• The injured area should not be used for 24 hours.
• If there is pain, a medicine other than aspirin should be preferred, if possible, the doctor should be consulted for this.
• The shooting area must be kept clean. Food residue filling into the wound should be prevented.
• 24 hours after extraction, the area should be brushed slowly with a soft toothbrush. A warm salt water gargle can be used at this time.
• It is considered normal for bleeding to last 6-24 hours in case of a slight leak. However, if there is excessive bleeding or if this period has been exceeded, a dentist must be consulted.
• Likewise, in cases of prolonged pain or swelling, the physician should be informed.
• In case of ongoing bleeding, a soaked tea bag can be wrapped in gauze and placed on the wound. Buffering in this way for a while may be beneficial due to the blood-stopping properties of some of the ingredients in the tea.
What to do after the wound has healed
Depending on the situation, a bridge, prosthesis or implant should be applied to the location of the extraction space. Because tooth deficiency can cause digestive disorders, position disorders (bending, overturning, etc.) and chewing problems may occur in the teeth adjacent to the extracted tooth.
impacted tooth
In cases where the jawbone around the tooth is too dense or the gingiva is too thick, if the tooth cannot find a place to erupt due to the narrow jaw arch, teeth that remain in the bone under the gingiva as a result of early loss of milk teeth or due to some diseases are called ‘impacted teeth’. If these teeth cause abscesses, cause pain, are associated with tumors or cysts, and cause decay in the adjacent tooth, the size and position of the tooth also does not have enough bone thinning to pose a risk of jaw fracture. If it is causing a stroke, it should be withdrawn.